<body> Tag in HTML

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Javascript Course - Mastering the Fundamentals
By Mrinal Bhattacharya
Enrolled: 1000
Javascript Course - Mastering the Fundamentals
Javascript Course - Mastering the Fundamentals
Mrinal Bhattacharya
icon_usercirclecheck-01Enrolled: 1000
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In this article, you will learn about the HTML element called the <body> tag. The body tag contains all the main content of the webpage such as headings, paragraphs, images, tables etc. It is always enclosed within the <html> tag. Everything you see on the web browser will be present inside the <body> tag.

Scope of article

  • This article briefly explains the use of HTML <body> Tag and its attributes with syntax and examples.
  • This article does not cover all the other HTML elements and tags used in the examples in detail.

HTML <body> Tag

We all know that HTML is basically used to build websites that are available on the internet. HTML consists of series of elements like <head> tag <title> tag, etc that are used to structure the web page. One such element that is a home for all the other contents of the webpage such as headings, paragraphs, images, tables etc is HTML <body> Tag.

All the content inside the <body> tag is only visible on the webpage.

For example

HTML Body Tag

As shown in the example, the <body> tag is always enclosed within the <html> tag and there can be only one <body> tag in the whole webpage. It is usually present after the <head> tag. The content in the tag is written between the opening (<body>) and closing (</body>) tags.


Tag Specific Attributes

<body> tag has some attributes that change the way the web pages looks. Let's learn about a few of them.

bgcolorColour of the Background of your page
alinkColor of text for links
backgroundImage to be used as a background
linkColor of text for links that are not visited
vlinkColor of text for visited links
textColor of the text on your webpage
marginsUsed to add margins to the webpage

Window Event Attributes

There are some window event attributes that are script based and used within the <body> tag.

Few examples are given below for your reference.

ononlineScript triggered when the browser starts to work online
onofflineScript triggered when the browser starts to work offline
onloadScript triggered when the page is completely loaded
onerrorScript triggered when an error occurs
onpageshowScript triggered when a user visits a page
onresizeScript triggered when the browser window is resized

HTML <body> Tag Usage

Below is an example of basic structure of a webpage with <body> tag.

HTML Body Tag Usage


  • The <body> element contains all the contents of the webpage like the heading, paragraph, images, tables etc. Here <h1> element specifies a heading and <p> element specifies a paragraph.
  • The <html> elements contains all the contents of the webpage.
  • The <head> element contains additional information about the HTML page like the page title.
  • The <title>element specifies a title for the webpage which is shown in the browser's window.

Below is another example <body> tag usage with bgcolor attribute.

Body Tag in HTML BG Color


The HTML bgcolor attribute is used to set the background color of an HTML element.


The Atrribute value can be anyone of the following:

  • colorname: The background color is set by using the color name. For example “yellow”
  • hexnumber: The background color is set using the color hex code. For example “#0000ff”.
  • rgbnumber: The background color is set by using the RGB code. For example: “RGB(0, 153, 0)”.

Supported Browsers

HTML <body> tag is supported by all major web browsers. HTML <body> Tag is supported by all major web browsers as it is the main html element.

Below is the list of some major supported browsers.

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • Microsoft Edge

HTML Body Tag Browser Compatibility


  • The HTML <body> tag contains all the main content of the webpage such as headings, paragraphs, images, tables etc.
  • All the content inside the <body> tag is only visible on the webpage.
  • HTML <body> Tag has attributes like bgcolor, text etc that change the way webpage looks.
  • HTML <body> Tag is supported by all major web browsers as it is the main html element.