Marquee Tag and other Hidden Gems in HTML

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By Mrinal Bhattacharya
Enrolled: 1000
Javascript Course - Mastering the Fundamentals
Javascript Course - Mastering the Fundamentals
Mrinal Bhattacharya
icon_usercirclecheck-01Enrolled: 1000
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The HTML <marquee> tag is used for scrolling piece of text or image displayed either horizontally across or vertically down your web site page depending on the settings. There are certain tags in HTML that aren't commonly used, but these can be helpful in making our document structured and presentable.


  • In this article, we'll learn about tags that are used to make the HTML document more presentable, such as the marquee tag in HTML
  • We are also learn pre tag, i tag, figure tag and progress tag, their implementation, syntax, attributes and examples.

The <marquee> tag

The marquee tag in HTML is a container tag that is used for implementing scrollable text or images in a web document. It can scroll texts or images either from top to bottom (or vice-versa) or left to right (or vice-versa).

Note: This tag has been deprecated in HTML5



Apart from global attributes, the marquee tag in HTML accepts the following attributes.

behaviordefines the type of scrolling in the marquee tag in HTML, takes the values scroll, slide and alternate.
directiondefines the scrolling direction in which the marquee tag in HTML, takes the values up, down, left, right.
heightdefines the height or length of a marquee, takes values in pixels or percent(%).
loopdefines how many times the marquee will loop. By default its value is infinite, i.e. the marquee will loop infinitely, takes values in the form of numbers.
scrolldelaydefines how long to delay between each jump, takes values in seconds.
scrollamountdefines how far to jump, takes values in the form of numbers.
widthdefines the width or breadth of a marquee, takes values in the form of numbers.
vspacedefines vertical space around the marquee, takes values in pixels.
hspacedefines horizontal space around the marquee, takes values in pixels.


Output: marquee tag output

Explanation of the example:

In the above example, the first marquee tag in the HTML document isn't passed any attribute, thus by default the text placed inside it will go from right to left in an infinite loop.

The second marquee tag in the HTML document has been passed an attribute direction whose value is down, thus the text placed inside the marquee tag will go from top to bottom.

The <pre> tag

The pre tag in HTML is used to define preformatted text. The text item enclosed within the pre tag in HTML is formatted in a fixed-width font and the spaces and the line-breaks are preserved in the text, i.e. the text enclosed within the<pre> tag will be shown exactly as written inside the pre tag in HTML.



The pre tag in HTML only accepts global attributes.

Note: Global attributes are attributes common to all HTML elements; they can be used on all elements



This is an example of          pre
tag in html, as
                we can see
document is not structured at all.              

Explanation of the example:

In the above example, the text inside the pre tag in the HTML document gets displayed as it was written in the HTML document.

The <i> tag

The i tag in HTML is used to display the text in italic style. The text placed within i tag in the HTML document gets emphasised by HTML.

Note: In the newer versions of HTML, the <em> tag is generally preferred over i tag in the HTML document.



It only accepts global attributes.



The i tag in HTML is used to write text in italic style.

Explanation of the example:

In the above example, the text placed within the i tag in HTML gets emphasised in the web document.

The <figure> tag

The figure tag in HTML is used to store a photo or a group of photos, diagrams, code listing etc. It is used to store items that have embedded content. For e.g. we can store an <image> and <figcaption> within a figure tag in HTML, and both of them would be considered as one entity in the web document.

Note: The content within the figure tag in the HTML document is related to the main flow, but its position is independent of the main flow and does not affect the flow of the document when removed.



The figure tag in HTML only accepts global attributes.


Output: figure tag example output

Explanation of the example:

In the above example, the image of the logo and the caption to the image is stored as one entity within the <figure> tag in the HTML document.

The <progress> tag

The progress tag in HTML defines the completion of the progress of the tag. It is displayed as a progress bar on the webpage.


Note: It is a self-closing tag.


Apart from global attributes, the progress tag in HTML takes the following attributes:

maxdefines the upper limit of the progress bar. It is a floating point number that takes positive values.
valuedefines how much a task has been completed. It is a floating point number that takes values between 0 and max-value


Output: progress tag example output

Explanation of the example: In the above example, the progress tag in the HTML document is passed the value = 4 and max = 12, thus the progress would be 33.33% which is shown in the progress bar.


The following table will provide your the overview of the tags discussed in the article:

<marquee>Implements scrollable text or images in a web document
<pre>Defines preformatted text
<i>Displays the text in italic style
<figure>Stores items that have embedded content
<progress>Displays content in the form of a progress bar