String Information in NumPy
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Strings are one of the most used data structures in the world of Computer Science. It has a variety of use cases; NLP (Natural Language Processing), Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Recommender Systems, and the list keeps going on and on. With the help of strings, we can store words and sentences, and NumPy has a lot of functions by which we can manipulate these strings according to our needs.
In this article, we will learn about some of the functions in NumPy, which allows us to generate information out of various strings in Python.
- In this article, we will learn about important string functions in NumPy. That we can use to obtain meaningful information from them.
- For better understanding, we will go through some code examples of each string information function in NumPy.
Python uses strings to store text information like names of people or email addresses. Python treats strings as sequences, which implies that it keeps track of each character in a string as a separate sequence. For instance, Python recognizes the string "hello" as a specific set of characters. This suggests that we will be able to use indexing to find specific characters.
Now that we know the basics of strings in Python let us move on and understand the various intricacies of string information functions in NumPy.
String Information Methods in NumPy
So far, we've learned how to work with strings in NumPy. Suppose we want to extract information about our string, such as whether all of the characters in a string are alphanumeric or not, count a specific character in a string, find a substring from a string, or calculate the length of the string. In that case, we can use the string information functions provided by the NumPy library. Let us go over each of them individually.
1. Count function
The count() function of the NumPy char class provides the count of non-overlapping repetitions of a character or substring in the provided string. The count() method in NumPy has the following syntax:
Syntax :
To further understand the count() function, consider the following illustration: Code :
Output :
2. Ends with function
The endswith() function of the NumPy char class yields True when a string terminates with the provided suffix. If it does not, it yields False. The syntax of NumPy's endswith() function is:
Syntax :
Consider the following illustration to understand the endswith() method better:
Code :
Output :
3. Find function If a character or substring is detected, the find() function of the NumPy char class gives the index of the first appearance. If no matches are discovered, it returns -1. The syntax of NumPy's find() function is as follows.
Syntax :
Consider the following example to better understand find():
Code :
Output :
4. Index function
It is comparable to the find() technique discussed in the previous subsection. If found, the index() function of the NumPy char class provides the index of a substring within the string. When the substring is not found, an error is thrown. The index() function of NumPy has the following syntax.
Syntax :
Consider the following example to better understand index():
Code :
Output :
5. Isalpha function
The isalpha() function of the NumPy char class yields True if all letters in the string are alphabetic characters. If it does not, it yields False. The isalpha() function of NumPy has the following syntax. Syntax :
For a better understanding, consider the example below.
Code :
Output :
6. Isalnum function
It is comparable to the preceding function,isalpha() function. The isalnum() function yields True if all of the letters in the string are alphanumeric, that is, either alphabets or numerals; otherwise, it yields False. The isalnum() function of NumPy has the following syntax.
Syntax :
Consider the following example to understand isalnum() better:
Code :
Output :
7. Isdecimal function
The isdecimal() function of the NumPy char class returns True if all of the letters are decimals. The isdecimal() function of NumPy has the following syntax.
Syntax :
Consider the following example:
Code :
Output :
8. isdigit function
If all of the characters in the element are "digits" or "numbers," the isdigit() method of NumPy char class returns True; otherwise, it returns False. The isdigit() function of NumPy has the following syntax.
Syntax :
Consider the following illustration:
Code :
Output :
9. Islower function
The islower() function of the NumPy char class yields true for every element if all cased letters in the string are lowercase letters and there is at least one cased character, or else false. So, what exactly is a cased character? Cased characters are those whose general category property is one of "Lu" (uppercase letter), "Ll" (lowercase letter), or "Lt" (Letter, titlecase). The islower() function of NumPy has the following syntax.
Syntax :
Consider the following example for a better understanding.
Code :
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10. Isnumeric function
The numeric() function of the NumPy char class yields True if the string contains solely numeric characters and false otherwise. The numeric() function of NumPy has the following syntax.
Syntax :
Take a look at the example below for a deeper understanding.
Code :
Output :
11. Espace function
The NumPy char class isspace() function yields true for each element if the string contains only whitespace letters and at least one letter, or else false. The isspace() function of NumPy has the following syntax.
Syntax :
Considering the following example can help you comprehend.
Code :
Output :
12. Title function
The NumPy char class's title() function yields True if the string has title. If it does not, it yields False. The istitle() function of NumPy has the following syntax.
Syntax :
Look at the following illustration.
Code :
Output :
13. Isupper function
The isupper() function of the NumPy char class provides whether or not every letter in a string is uppercased. Let us now examine its syntax.
Syntax :
For example
Code :
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14. Find function
If no substring is discovered, the NumPy char class find() function yields the greatest index of the substring such that the substring lies between the start and end index as specified. If no matches are discovered, it returns -1. The rfind() function of NumPy has the following syntax.
Syntax :
Consider the following example.
Code :
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15. Index function
The NumPy char class rindex() function yields the most excellent index of the substring within the string, where the substring lies between the supplied start and end indices. It is comparable to the rfind() function discussed in the previous article, except it throws a ValueError if the substring is not discovered. The index() function of NumPy has the following syntax.
Syntax :
Take a look at the example below for a deeper understanding.
Code :
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16. Starts with function
The startswith() function of the NumPy char class returns If a string begins with the provided prefix, true; otherwise, false. Let us now look at its syntax.
Syntax :
For a better understanding, consider the following example.
Code :
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17. String length function
The str_len() function of the NumPy char class returns the element-wise length of the string. Now let us look at its syntax.
Syntax :
Take a look at the example below to get the idea.
Code :
Output :
- In this article, we learned about strings in NumPy, a data structure using which we can store characters, words, and sentences effortlessly.
- Then, along with their syntax and implementations, we looked at numerous NumPy methods that let us extract helpful information from strings.