*A learner can do as many electives as they want, but only after completion of Core Curriculum.
Advanced Software & System Design - 1.5 months
Distributed Systems & Databases
Location Based Services (S3, Quad Trees)
Data Engineering - 2 Months
Building efficient Data Processing Systems
Cloud Services - AWS, or GCP
Data Warehousing & Modelling
MapReduce, HiveQL, Presto
DSA for Competitive Programming - 1 Months
Combinatorics and Probability
Advanced Trees: Segment Tree, k-D Tree
Advanced Dynamic Programming
Advanced Graphs: Bridges, Articulation point, Network Flow
Product Management for Engineers - 1 Month
Introduction to Product Management
Product Thinking & Product Discovery
Product Roadmap & Prioritization
Mental Models for Product Managers
Hands-on case study & Mixpanel session
Delivery & Project Management
Practical ways to apply PM lessons as an Engineer